Training Portable Lab
Your portable lab for assessment and training
Microgate propone la solución “Laboratorio portátil” para permitir a cada entrenador una evaluación lo más completa posible del movimiento. Se trata de un paquete de instrumentos que permite analizar los protocolos de entrenamiento de manera transversal y objetiva, abarcando desde las habilidades motoras básicas hasta las más complejas y analizando también las cualidades cognitivas específicas durante el desarrollo del movimiento.
Informes simplificados creados sobre la base de protocolos predefinidos permiten una notable optimización de los tiempos y del uso de los datos propuestos.
Cada instrumento puede utilizarse individualmente, sin costes adicionales, para evaluaciones específicas o para trabajos de educación / reeducación con biofeedback.
We assess and train movement in a comprehensive way, based on objective data

Why choosing Microgate's systems
- Optojump Next: Quoted in over 1500 publications
- Witty: cited in over 500 publications
- Brain HQ: 250 publications
- Data sharing/reporting
- Training load measurement and monitoring
- Injury risk prevention
- Different configuration types
- Scalability
- Indoor and outdoor
- Integration of different tools
High Performance Training Devices

OptoJump NEXT
OPTOJUMP NEXT is an optical detection system composed of a transmitting bar and a receiving bar. A light mat is created on the ground with a maximum width of 6 meters and a space resolution of approximately 1 cm. The acquisition time is one thousandth of a second. The system can measure space and time parameters related to walking, running, jumping, etc., allowing an objective approach to the motor assessment course, which is essential in training. In addition to off ering flexible configuration from 1 to 100 metres, Optojump Next can be integrated with GYKO and WITTY for a more comprehensive overview.
Gyko PRO
GYKOPRO is a triaxial inertial system with a time resolution of one thousandth of a second. At the operational level, it allows real-time assessment of flexibility, balance control, and strength and power development. When used in conjunction with Optojump Next, the data from the latter will be automatically supplemented by the data recorded by GYKO.

WittyPRO Timing Family
Its extreme simplicity and flexibility coupled with its excellent reliability means that the WITTYPRO system is certainly one of the most commonly used timing products in sports training. The photocells can be configured as single or “dual beam” and can be combined with a WittySem for more agility-related workouts. The timer, on the other hand, can work safely in the field in any weather condition (light, rain, cold,…).
Motor-cognitive training: WITTYPRO SEM is a “smart traffic light” composed of a 7x5 multi-colour LED matrix that can handle different symbols and colours. Thanks to collaboration with PositScience, Microgate is now able to offer targeted workouts that stimulates basic cognitive functions. More than 200 scientifi c publications show that these exercises can stimulate brain plasticity, allowing to modify and physically optimise its structure and function.